Their hearts, though separate, beat as one

May 24, 2016

Sonographers have told us that babies whose moms are thinking about aborting them are unusually active during the ultrasound, amazingly so – turning somersaults, holding up a hand, doing all they can to get Mom’s attention, help her to see them.

                            ultrasound of a baby

I’ve talked to moms who were abortion-minded but agreed to go to the pregnancy resource center. On their way out, they’ve stopped to show me their ultrasounds. The little speck in the picture they are holding with trembling hands, as they are laughing and crying, has broken open their hearts. The mom in them knew from that first quickening. And they tried to deny that love, that "foreverness" growing inside. 

And it doesn’t matter if, peering through my bifocals, I can’t really see this new object of their devotion.

They have breathed their baby in, and their hearts, though separate, beat as one.

By Susan Platt, CPLC Sidewalk Counselor

To learn more about the Catholic Pro-Life Committee's frontline ministry, visit

Tags: abortion

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