Serving the Mission

The Catholic Pro-Life Community depends on devoted volunteers who serve North Texas through our ministries—from our Gabriel Angels to our Prayer Partners, Speakers Bureau, Youth For Life Chaperones,  Vineyard Keepers, and Parish Pro-Life Coordinators. We could not do what we do without you! 

We invite you to view the "Why I Serve" video to hear from our volunteers and complete the "Volunteer Interest Form" to let us know what interests you. 

VOLUNTEER INTEREST FORM    Disciple of Life Prayer

Our Ministries

If you would like to learn more about our various ministries, click on the links below.  We look forward to welcoming you to the "most important work on earth" in the words of St. John Paul II.

Project Gabriel


Healing After Abortion


Parish Engagement

Speakers For Life

Youth for Life

Community Outreach

CONTACT US | 972-267-LIFE (5433)

Pregnant? Confused? We can help. | 214-466-9769
Text OPTIONS to 24365

Suffering from a past Abortion?
English: | 214-544-2273 (CARE)
Spanish: | 972-900-7262 (SANA)