Volunteer Interest form


Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Catholic Pro-Life Community! Please fill out the following form indicating the area(s) of our ministry in which you would like to volunteer. A member(s) of our staff will contact you with additional information about the ministries in which you express interest and specifics on how to get involved.

St. John Paul the Great implored all of us – as a People of Life and for Life – to be signs of hope and to create a new culture of life built on truth and love. The mission of our Disciples for Life is to answer that call. This call is not just for some; it is for all.

Not sure how you can make a difference? First and foremost, through your prayers. Our bishops remind us that, "Only with prayer – prayer that storms the heavens for justice and mercy, prayer that cleanses our hearts and our souls – will the culture of death that surrounds us today be replaced with a culture of life."
Click here for the Disciples for Life prayer.

First Name*
Last Name*
E-mail *
Cell phone
Do you speak Spanish?*
Please indicate your availability to volunteer. (Days, Times, and/or Hours Per Week)*
How did you first hear about the Catholic Pro-Life Community*

Please indicate the areas for which you are interested in volunteering below:

Civic Action

Encourages elected officials to support and defend legal protection for all human life.

Learn more

Parish Pro-Life Coordination

Supports parish pro-life activities and projects through monthly updates, serving as a liaison to the CPLC.

Learn more


Presents opportunities for individual and communal prayer on behalf of life, the foundation of all that we do.

Learn more

Project Gabriel

Offers women facing a crisis pregnancy real hope in the form a parish volunteer, her "Gabriel Angel," who listens, guides, and cares.

Learn more

Speakers Bureau

Offers presentations to educate youth and adults on all life issues.

Learn more

Youth For Life

Involves and educates teens in a unique, peer-based outreach.

Learn more

Please check any of the following in which you are interested in assisting:

If "Other", please indicate area of expertise:

Thank you for your commitment to Life!

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