The Vineyard is dressed in white!

April 27, 2016

The Vineyard dressed up in white to celebrate the second of five weddings announced this year! It is beautiful when we see Rachel’s Vineyard graduates and Project Joseph family members uniting their lives at the foot of God’s holy altar. These special weddings celebrate their new-found freedom to leave the burden of the past behind and move forward together.


This time it was two retreat graduates -- one from Rachel's Vineyard (we'll call her "Rachel") and one from Project Joseph (we'll call him "Joseph").  At retreat, this couple told us that they were leaving as parents of two children -- as they had spiritually adopted each other’s children who are with Our Lord.  

Having received God’s gift of abundant healing, Rachel and Joseph were ready to reach the altar. The retreat team and graduates were there to celebrate this union as the radiant bride smiled and and shared her peaceful and joyful heart with all of us there.  

Joseph waited at the altar for Rachel knowing that he was now free to be the husband and father he has been called to be. He beamed at the opportunity to be protector and provider of his young bride.

After the ceremony, I went to greet the celebrating priest. We were both so grateful for this day -- the culmination of his referral and our welcome of this couple on retreat. God was at work through all of us to complete this circle of reconciliation. 

And as I turned to walk away Father said, "Oh ... and I have another one for you….I will send her to you." Yes Father! We are ready! Praise be to God!

Submitted by Healing after Abortion Ministry Director Eileen Kuhlmann

If you are someone you know is suffering from a past abortion experience, there is hope and healing. We can help. Begin the journey to Christ's mercy today at


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