Hauntings of a painful memory

August 22, 2016

I live my life day to day as most others do

Busy with my family – my husband and children, the dogs

Happy and fulfilled

But periodically, throughout every year

In the darkness and loneliness of night

The despair, the regrets, the fear 

and deep, deep sorrow returns

It never dulls – the painful memories

I will carry this to my grave and beyond – no doubt

The path chosen – death over life 

Had I to do it over again?

Hindsight always proves 20/20

Life over death,


Submitted anonymously by letter received this summer.

If you are someone you know is suffering from a past abortion experience, there is hope and healing. We can help. Begin the journey to Christ's mercy today at www.racheldallas.org.

Tags: regret

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