Isabella Will Not Face This Alone.

December 28, 2020

For most of us, the news of a pregnancy is met with joy and love – as it should be. Sadly, that is not the case for many others whose circumstances bring fear and anxiety.

Earlier this year, a single, pregnant mom caring for two other children was looking for shelter from those circumstances. This woman, we’ll call her Isabella, went into a local church and saw a flyer for our ministry. She called the number listed, and our Project Gabriel team responded with an Angel to support Isabella and her family.

Unfortunately, Isabella’s circumstances were about to get much worse. When the pandemic hit, her job as a driver could no longer sustain her family. By May, she was facing eviction. Thanks to the support of our community, she kept her home, and her family was safe. 

Before her situation could stabilize, however, she contracted COVID-19. Now isolated and ill, she was losing her hope and her strength. Our Gabriel team brought meals, along with the promise of prayer and a rosary.

Her illness worsened, and due to her condition, we could not be with her physically. But that rosary – that was her lifeline. After many years away from God, she began praying. The next day, she was hospitalized and very frightened, but with a rosary in hand.

On her worst night, she recalls the person in the bed next to her stopped breathing. Isabella felt certain she too would meet her end before welcoming her baby’s birth. Her prayers continued. Every time she would cough, her unborn baby’s heart rate became unstable. Eventually, she had to deliver her baby four weeks early. During the c-section, Isabella stopped breathing.

Through miraculous coincidence, our Project Gabriel team happened to visit the hospital to pray from the parking lot outside her window. And then the amazing happened – she began breathing again, and her baby was born healthy. Isabella named her beautiful little girl, Maria, in honor of Our Lady whose intercession through countless rosaries saved her.

This incredible story could have so easily ended in tragedy. We may have lost Isabella. We may have never met Maria. Instead, Isabella is now home with a healthy baby. She has challenges ahead, but she will not face them alone. She has found a family among our Project Gabriel Angels and Moms, who will support her on a path to education and transformation. 

Each step of the way, Christ was with Isabella – through His Mother, through His Church, … and through YOU.

In her words, “I would never have been able to get through all of this if I hadn’t had all of you.” This harrowing journey is just one of the many we have walked these past months. But amidst all the uncertainty and challenges, the love of this community has remained a constant.

Together, we can help more moms like Isabella, save more babies like Maria, and transform our culture to cherish the gift of life! Help us end 2020 well prepared for what tomorrow will bring. Consider donating a gift.


Tags: sidewalk, prolife, counselor, abortion, intern, clinic, covid, corona virus, project grabiel, gabriel angel

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