God's Love in the Snow

The three of us arrived at the abortion facility without incident. The snow didn't start until after all arrived.  And when it arrived, it was beautiful! Flakes gently falling and covering our coats. It was cold, but everyone was in good spirits. (Sometimes it can be downright oppressive on the sidewalk; but those times are ok too, because then we know there is work to be done for our Lord.) 
With the weather, we weren’t sure the nearby pregnancy resource center would open, but low and behold, the director arrived. She gingerly turned into the snow-covered parking lot, rolled down her window and cheerfully called out: "We’re open!!” Praise God!
Although the abortion facility was fully staffed, the clients were trickling in slowly. While we waited, we stomped words in the snowy alleyway reading:  "God Loves YOU!"  All that stomping in His name, helped keep our minds off the cold. (Later, the "YOU" got run over by a car... but "God" remained.)  


Later in the morning we retraced the snow-covered "God Loves YOU!", this time with blessed salt. As soon as the "!" was finished, a couple who had been at this same abortion facility last week arrived. They left last week after a hopeful indication that they might reconsider, and today they were returning for help at the pregnancy resource center.
The man jumped out of the car and said, "OK! So how does this place work?!!" He was grinning from ear to ear. After the couple went in together, he came back out and shared that he was really "proud of himself" in his efforts. Last week, which was the first appointment at the abortion facility, things were not going well. We encouraged him to honor is conscience and supportively encourage the mother of his child that they could together take care of this new blessing. Then he told us, that today he had "... gone to church!" And then he let out a Texas Aggie-style “Whoop!”   At the end of their visit at the resource center, they both waved and left with great big smiles!!
Amidst the cold we felt all your prayers and the warmth of God’s love pouring out for all the parents and their precious little ones! Praise God for each and everyone one of you!!

Tags: Sidewalk Counseling, Stories from the Street

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