Abby Johnson Shares Facts About Planned Parenthood & How Spiritual Warfare is Impacting Pro-Lifers

March 3, 2023

On Monday, February 27th, several CPLC Staff Members attended the Dallas Screening of And Then There Was None's film "She Was Stronger." She Was Stronger is a compelling portrait of three American women who share one thing in common: what they’ve left behind. Separated by class, coastlines, and ethnicities, their paths converge as each starts working for the abortion industry and walks away after a long struggle. Their stories take us behind closed doors, inside the clinics, and alongside the whirring machines, to give us deep insight into the deceit and manipulation that tens of thousands of men, women, and children face in abortion clinics across the country today. Through their pain and healing, these women show the courage it takes to get out—and the urgency of helping others do the same. After the film, the women featured in the film & the executive producer of the film, former clinic director of the largest Planned Parenthood in North America turned pro-life activist Abby Johnson, stuck around to answer questions & share facts with us about what they learned during their time working in the industry.

Abby Johnson shared with us that Planned Parenthood has a business model of encouraging women to have three abortions by the time they are 30 years old. That is what they are marketing towards. That is on average $2100 they will make PER woman! It is no secret that 79% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located in poverty-stricken neighborhoods. However, this is not just because they are targeting low-income women to take advantage of as clients, but also their employees. Abby shared with us that Planned Parenthood's ideal candidates as an employee are minority women and single mothers. This is because these types of women are more likely going to rely on money and be able to be controlled by the promise of financial gain.  For example, twenty years ago, the clinic Abby worked at was hiring 18-year-old girls without a GED & would offer them $18/hr. starting out as a receptionist or medical assistant. $18/hr. is a good entry-level starting pay nowadays so it was unheard of for women without a high school degree back then to be making this type of compensation. So, these women start working in the abortion industry because they know this type of compensation is not available to them elsewhere. Planned Parenthood continues to offer them bonuses and desensitize them to the work they are doing. This continues until the woman has moved her way up to assisting with abortions, making $23 hr. putting back together baby parts extracted from a woman to make sure no part is left behind. The tactics Planned Parenthood uses to keep employees working for them are very strategic and leave women feeling trapped. The employees fear they would not be able to make that type of compensation elsewhere with their qualifications. Every woman featured in the film, despite the abortion industry's high compensation rates, was living paycheck to paycheck and relied heavily on their position to fund their lifestyle. One woman in the film had four kids by the age of nineteen. She morally did not agree with the work Planned Parenthood was doing; however, she did not feel she would be able to support her family elsewhere. Women should not feel trapped doing work they do not agree with just because they need to pay their bills. This is why Abby Johnson created the non-profit "And Then There Were None." This organization helps women leave the abortion industry by offering them scholarships and other financial resources to leave their work in the abortion industry and start a career elsewhere or finish earning an education.  

During the Q&A session after the film, an audience member asked if the production team ever experienced any type of spiritual warfare while creating the film or during their time being a part of the pro-life movement. Although they did not really have an answer to that question, I met a woman while standing in line to meet Abby who gave me her own personal testimony of her encounter with spiritual warfare & how it has stopped her from volunteering with the pro-life movement again for 11 years! She shared with me that eleven years ago, she had seen a Facebook Live stream of Abby Johnson pleading with people who are pro-life to not just say they were pro-life but to get involved! She was so moved by seeing this live stream that she decided for the first time she was going to get involved in the pro-life movement! So, she joined a group of pro-lifers in prayer outside an abortion clinic one afternoon. Over the course of three hours, they prayed the rosary. During this time, she finished drinking a large, sweet tea. By the end of the prayer session, she was in desperate need of a bathroom, for all that sweet tea had caught up to her! Unfortunately, she did not make it to the church bathroom in time and ended up having an accident right there in the church parking lot. She was so embarrassed that she never went back to another pro-life event! What an example of spiritual warfare and how the devil was able to use embarrassment and that experience to hold her back from participating in the pro-life movement. She shared with us that from this point forward, after seeing the film, she would no longer let that embarrassment hold her back & would love to start getting involved again. Praise be to God!!

For more info on Abby Johnson's nonprofit "And Then There Were None," go to

To learn more about the film, watch a trailer, and even host a movie night at your church with this film, you can go to 

Pictured above is Digital Media Specialist Intern Sarah Machelski meeting pro-life activist Abby Johnson!

Tags: pro life, catholic, pro life catholic, abby johnson, and then there were none, she was stronger, planned parenthood, defund planned parenthood, discrimination, spiritual warfare,

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