Texas Rally for Life

February 8, 2023

On January 28, 2023, thousands of Texans marched through downtown Austin, ending at the state capital, to celebrate the overturn of Roe vs Wade and peacefully protest abortion. In attendance at this years rally from CPLC was Executive Director Geralyn Kaminsky and Sidewalk Counselor Paul Borchard. Texas Alliance for Life hosted the event, which included guest speakers Gov. Greg Abbott, Teresa Sadler from the Raffa Clinic, and Texas Alliance Executive Director Joe Pojman. Here is what Executive Director Geralyn Kaminsky had to say about the event:

"It was tremendous to be in the Texas state capital of Austin on Saturday for the 2023 Texas Rally for Life. Crowds of people, of all ages and from all over Texas, joined the March and the Rally afterward. It was incredibly moving to hear prayers, hymns and see the peaceful support of LIFE in Austin. Governor Abbott, along with Ryan Bomberger (The Radiance Foundation), Claire Culwell (Abortion Survivor) and Dr Joe Pojman (Texas Alliance for Life) among others shared moving testimonies and their commitment to carry on for the cause. Roe vs Wade has been overturned but our work in support of the culture of LIFE is not yet over – in fact, we have much work to do. The Catholic Pro-Life Community, along with dozens of other organizations across this great state, support and will continue to assist moms, babies, and fathers in need of resources. We will continue to work toward making the thought of abortion – the killing of a vulnerable human life - unthinkable. And we will continue to work to restore respect and legal protection for every human life from conception until natural death."

Tags: rally for life texas, rally for life, march for life, pro-life, austin texas rally for life,

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