NCBC Two-Day Seminar: Catholic Health Care Ethics

Friday, April 8, 2016 - Saturday, April 9, 2016
Location(s): University of Dallas, Haggar Visitor Center, Dining Ctr (2nd Floor), 1845 Northgate Dr, Irving, TX

National Catholic Bioethics CenterThe National Catholic Bioethics Center presents "Catholic Health Care Ethics: A tradition of Compassion and Care for the Human Person."  Topics covered will include

  • Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • Prenatal and Neonatal Complications
  • Stem Cell Research and Cloning
  • Ordinary and Extraordinary Means
  • Determination of Death and Organ Transplantation
  • Issues of Cooperation between Catholic and Non-Catholic Institutions.

Attendees will receive seminar program book, copy of Health Care Ethics: A Manual for Practitioners, continental breakfasts and refreshments, and pocket size copy of the ERDs.

For registration feeds and schedule information, visit Flyer available here. For additional information, contact Julie Kelley at g or 215-877-2660.  Sponsored by The National Catholic Bioethics Center