Sidewalk Counselor & Prayer Partner Training in English

Thursday, February 26, 2015 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location(s): University of Dallas, Gorman D building, next to the Chapel

How can you save an innocent life?  Come learn the Msgr. Philip Reilly method of peaceful, prayerful presence which has helped more than 22,000 mothers turn away from abortion in New York and over 7,500 mothers here in Dallas.  If you feel called to be a prayer partner for a sidewalk counselor, then this training is also for you!  The training is free, all materials will be provided, and refreshments will be served. 

Pre-registration is required and available online at

For more information, contact Joanne Underwood, 469-767-5785 or

Training will be held in Gorman D which is the building next to the Chapel.

For more information, click here.