Saturday, January 17, 2015 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM


On January 17, 2015, Dallas will mark the 42nd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's tragic Roe v. Wade decision of January 22, 1973, making abortion available on demand in America through all 9 months of pregnancy and leading to the death of over 56 million unborn children.  Join Dallas Bishops Kevin J. Farrell and Michael Olson, diocesan clergy, and thousands of people of faith in prayerful remembrance and public witness.

Below is the schedule of events:  

10:30 – 11:30 a.m.  Roe Memorial Rosaries outside the Southwestern late-term abortion center, 8616 Greenville Ave., Dallas. (Parking available on Boundbrook Ave. and Gaston Oaks Baptist Church parking lot, 8515 Greenville) and Planned Parenthood mega abortion center, 7989 West Virginia Dr, Dallas (street parking available)

12:15 p.m. Youth Concert at the convention center in Dallas, 650 S Griffin St. (Doors open at 11:30 a.m.) featuring World Youth Day Musician Curtis Stephan

1:00 p.m. Roe Memorial Mass & Adoration:  A bilingual Mass will be concelebrated by Bishops Farrell and Olson, along with diocesan clergy at the convention center in Dallas (seating for 9,000!) with Fr. Benjamin Cieply, L.C., as homilist and music led by Curtis Stephan.  A representative born each year from 1973-present is needed to carry a rose in the annual “Procession of Roses” at Mass.  If you were born in 1973 or later and are interested in participating in the Procession of Roses, please email .

3:00 p.m. North Texas March for Life & Rally – the State’s largest Pro-Life March and Rally in memory of Roe v. Wade:   Following Mass, Bishops Farrell and Olson will lead us as we march from the convention center to the rally outside the Earle Cabell Federal Courthouse, housing the district court where the Roe v. Wade case was first filed in 1970.  Rally speakers to be announced

12:00 - 4:30 p.m. Ministry Fair at the convention center

Bishop Farrell would especially like to see many young people participating (from parish youth groups, Catholic high schools, Scout troops, etc.).  Bring your school, club or troop banner for the march!  Also – Consider riding the DART Rail to the Roe Memorial Events this year to save time and money on parking.  Don’t miss this annual event for Life!! 

More information on the day’s events at or contact cplc@prolifedallas.org or 972-267-LIFE (5433).

Click here for flyer


¡Únase con Obispo  Farrell y miles de los fieles de Dallas en oración para terminar el látigo del aborto en nuestra ciudad para marchar y reunirse para una Cultura de Vida! 

Horario de Eventos:

10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Rosarios Memoriales de Roe afuera del centro de abortos tardíos Southwestern, 8616 Greenville, Dallas (estacionamiento disponible en  Boundbrook Ave. y en el estacionamiento de la Iglesia Bautista  Gaston Oaks) y el centro de abortos Planned Parenthood (estacionamiento disponible en la calle).

12:15 p.m. Concierto Juvenil en el centro de convenciones en Dallas, 650 S. Griffin St., con el músico de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, Curtis Stephan (Las puertas se abren a las 11:30 a.m.)

1:00 p.m. Misa Memorial de Roe Bilingüe concelebrada por Obispo Kevin Farrell, Obispo Michael Olson, y el clero diocesano en el centro de convenciones en Dallas (¡capacidad para 9,000!) con Padre Benjamin Cieply, L.C. como homilista y la música dirigida por Curtis Stephan

3:00 p.m. Marcha por la Vida de Norte Texas del centro de convenciones (después de la Misa) para la Reunión ecuménica afuera del Edificio de la Corte Federal Earle Cabell.

¡Obispo Farrell quisiera que muchas familias y jóvenes como lo sea posible en la diócesis participen en este gran testimonio por la vida!  Se les anima a todos usar el  DART – la manera de transportación más conveniente hacia el centro de convenciones.  Se necesitan voluntarios, particularmente Caballeros de Colon, ujieres de parroquia y policía u oficiales de seguridad (debe ser bilingüe). 

Para más información de los eventos del día, llame al Aurora Tinajero, 972-264-1711

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