1. What were you hoping to get out of this conference and did that happen?*
2. What are your biggest takeaways from the conference and how do you plan to use this information?*
3. What ideas or suggestions do you have for us to use next time?*
4. Would you recommend a future Teach 4 Life Conference to your peers and friends? If no, why*
5. Which speaker or topic were you most excited to hear from?*
6. How did you hear about the conference?*
7. Overall, how would you rate the Teach 4 Life conference? 1-5 (5 being best)*

8. Do you have any additional comments about the conference? *
6. Would you be interested in more information on Catholic Pro-Life Community/Teach 4 Life or Theology of the Body Evangelization Team? If so, please leave your email and we’ll add you to our mailing list.*
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Teach 4 Life is co-sponsored by Theology of the Body Evangelization Team