Watch Media Coverage of 2010 Dallas March for Life

January 20, 2010

Here’s some local and national coverage of Saturday’s events. They’re mostly focused on the Dallas March for Life and rally.

The Dallas Morning News
Anti-abortion activists rally in downtown Dallas; crowd appears to fall short of 10,000 goal
Saturday, January 16, 2010

National Catholic Register
Pro-Life Movement Marches On
Sunday, Jan 10, 2010

The secular media still calls us “anti-abortion” instead of pro-life or pro-woman. Instead of focusing on the fact that we had 6,000 - 7,000 people there, The Dallas Morning News focused on the fact that we didn’t reach the 10,000 Bishop Farrell had challenged, and that he challenged again in his rally speech for next year. I’ve never seen any event in Dallas or anywhere else where “pro-choice” people drew anywhere near those numbers.

Tags: Dallas March for Life

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