Unplanned Miracles

July 10, 2019

I heard an interview on Mary's Touch, a Catholic radio show broadcast from College Station, TX. Producers of the movie UnplannedCary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, were recounting the amazing lengths the film crew went through to ensure God was with them through the entire process.

  • The two producers would pray the Rosary together between shots when filming the movie. Who knew they were both devout Catholics?!
  • There were miraculous healings during the filming, including a woman whose lupus was cured.
  • They consecrated the script to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • A priest friend of theirs sprinkled five pounds of blessed salt around the set.
  • A prayer team prayed on set every day of filming.
  • At one point, they needed a million dollars to continue with the film.  They were down to 15 minutes before the deadline when they got a call from a donor who was flying over their location.  He told them he was going to give them a million dollars for the project.
  • I’m sure you’ve seen the movie poster with the actress’s face.  In her iris, they placed the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the 10 o’clock position and placed an image of San Juan Diego at the six o’clock position.  That’s so cool!

The first podcast of their two-part interview is posted here: https://marystouch.org/listen-podcast/ (episode 11.34).

By: Susan Platt, Prayer & Community Outreach Director

Tags: unplanned, movie, prolife, media, abby, blog, reflection, susan platt

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