The ocean would be missing something

June 8, 2016

The rain started around 6:00 am and was still heavy at 7:30 am when the Sidewalk Counselors arrived. Rain is harder to deal with on the sidewalk than extremes of cold or heat. Street sheets and literature get damp and stick together; brochures are hard to hand to clients, and ruined if dropped in a puddle. But wet rosaries still work. And rain helps to confirm to those who see us that that we care – Christian love shown as sacrifice of self.

             walking in the rain

Throughout the morning, the stream of clients was as steady as the rain. A tall man steered his girlfriend with a heavy hand on her shoulder, marching her down the sidewalk, up the stairs, and through the door, ignoring our invitation to talk. He obviously was in control of both her and the situation and wasn’t going to allow any deviation from his plan.

Later that day, another young man stopped to speak with a counselor. He had just dropped off his girlfriend. Although he had tried to talk her out of it, she wanted to go ahead with the abortion. The counselor encouraged him to stand up for his child, to let his girlfriend know as clearly as he could that he loved her and the baby and would take care of them both.

Armed with literature, a rosary, and assurances of prayers, the boyfriend went on his way. As promised, sidewalk counselors and prayer partners gathered to pray for the couple and their baby. Interrupted by more people coming and going, they persisted, returning to pray until they finished. In God’s hands, we entrusted this precious family.

Blessed Mother Teresa said, “We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean.  But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.”  Not a bad thing to remember … particularly on a rainy day on the sidewalk.

By Susan Platt, CPLC Sidewalk Counselor

To learn more about the Catholic Pro-Life Committee's frontline ministry, visit



Tags: abortion

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