The Mortal Wound

May 22, 2015

Many years ago, I was working at a construction site. I lost my balance and fell backwards down onto a concrete pier with a steel rod sticking up out of it. 

The steel punctured the top of my leg and I was bleeding profusely. I got up and went to the ER at the closest hospital. I knew I was hurt and wondered what they would do.  

They stopped the bleeding and I asked the ER Doctor if he would stitch it closed and then cover it with bandages. He replied, "No, this is like a mortal gunshot wound, it must remain uncovered as the only way that it will heal is if it is left uncovered. It must heal from the inside out." 

It took many weeks of soaking and leaving it uncovered. It has completely healed.

How similarly the men and women of Joseph and Rachel. They come together and remove the bandages from their mortal wounds which they thought covering would certainly bring healing. It is only when this wound is uncovered in the presence of the others does the healing begin...

By Project Joseph Retreat Graduate

Project Joseph is a an outreach of Abortion AfterCare-Healing Ministry of the Catholic Pro-Life Committee providing one-day retreats for men suffering from a past abortion experience. Visit for more information. For information regarding weekend retreats offering healing for women and men, visit


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