St. Michael, Defend Us!

May 8, 2014

St. Gregory said that the Easter feasts are those of angelic spirits, for the Resurrection gives “joy also to the angels.” Thursday, May 8th is the Feast of the Apparition of St. Michael that commemorates the appearance of the archangel at Mount Gargano, Italy, in 492. 
Cattle were grazing on the mountain when one of the bulls wandered off and went into a cave. One of the men herding the cattle fired an arrow into the cave, but it flew back out and wounded him.  The men went to the bishop with their story, and the bishop ordered three days of prayer and fasting.  At the end of those three days, St. Michael appeared to the bishop and asked for a church to be built in the cave in honor of the Holy Angels.  The church has been the site of countless miracles.
St. Michael is a great protector of all of us who work for life!
Here’s a reflection on St. Michael from the Magnificat: St. Michael is not only the protector of the Church, but of every faithful soul.  By humility, he defeated the devil; we who are enlisted in the same warfare must adopt his weapons – humility and ardent love of God.  Regarding this Archangel as our leader under God, let us courageously resist the devil in all his assaults with our protector’s famous exclamation: Who is like unto God?
Collect: O God, who in a wonderful order hast established the ministry of angels and of men, mercifully grant that even as Thy holy angels ever do Thee service in heaven, so at all times they may defend us on earth.

Tags: St. Michael the Archangel, feast day

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