St. Frances Xavier Cabrini & St. Hypatius of Gangra

November 13, 2014

Today we remember St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, who founded the Institute of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the intention of going to China to evangelize. But Pope Leo XIII told her to go West instead. She ended up working with Italian immigrants, first in New York, then in Chicago - helping the poor and needy, and founding schools, hospitals and orphanages. Mother Cabrini became the first U.S. citizen to be canonized.
Tomorrow, Friday, November 14th, is the Feast of St. Hypatius of Gangra, the Wonderworker. Ever heard of him? Me either, but I figure a saint known as a Wonderworker is one I want to be in touch with! Not much is known about St. Hypatius’ life, although he had a reputation of being devout and of performing miracles – so much so that Emperor Constantius had a bust of him in his house to ward off evil. Bishop of the city in Gangra in Asia Minor, Hypatius attended the Council of Nicaea and supported St. Athanasius against the Arian heresy. 
On his way home from Constantinople in 326, he was attacked by heretics who beat and stabbed him. He prayed for them while they assaulted him. He was killed when an Arian woman struck him in the head with a rock. She immediately went insane and began hitting herself with the same rock she had used on Hypatius. The murderers hid Hypatius’ body, but his corpse was discovered and laid to rest in Gangra. His relics are famous for several miracles, including driving out demons and healing the sick. The woman who killed him was brought to his grave, was prayed for and then was healed. She lived out the rest of her life as a penitent.
St. Hypatius is particularly venerated in Russia. Here is an icon of him. A monastery in Russia is built on the spot where the Blessed Mother, the Child Jesus, St. Philip and St. Hypatius appeared. Pretty cool, huh? St. Hypatius the Wonderworker, pray for us!
In this month of Holy Souls, please remember St. Gertrude’s prayer for those in purgatory:
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Monday at Southwestern late term abortion facility was amazing! We had three turnaways and three hopefuls.  Please pray for J, C, and A, that they will choose life for their babies.
God bless,
Susan Platt
Prayer, Civic Action & Outreach Director                                              
Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas
Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas Devoted to ending abortion and restoring respect for life.

Tags: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, St. Hypatius of Gangra, feast day

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