“Something” was telling him "this is wrong"

September 7, 2012

It was "all hands on deck"... 4 1/2 intense hours.  

The couple arrived and took our literature. They went into the mobile sonogram unit. They heard the heartbeat.  

On the way to the abortion center, the father had been having second thoughts. “Something” was telling him "this is wrong" (Lord, let Your Voice be heard!), and he was really "feeling bad" (Holy Spirit come!). He was repentant... and crying.

She went into the abortion center anyway.

He was in and out of the abortion center … on the phone. This was the day the abortion procedure was scheduled. While he paced, the abortion center worker told the mother of his child, there "was nothing there". But the abortion facility was still willing to sell and perform the abortion of the so-called “nothing.”  

She is 6-7 weeks pregnant. The sonogram doesn't show those little bones yet forming.   

Meanwhile, we were sending urgent texts requesting prayers from our prayer warrior support team. God was already working on this long before the couple arrived, but that extra prayer support was sure felt. It is so vital!

In a last ditch effort, the father stepped up, was courageous, and said he "would not pay for the abortion.” Mom and father left and headed to nearby pregnancy resource center, where mom got lots of attention, lots of help. A "real" doctor appointment was made.

The man's conscience was reinforced not only that abortion was wrong, but he also wants to take legal/moral responsibility for this child.  He wants to start going back to church to “make some changes…” They're off to face new challenges and grow and learn … together.  

Praising God this day!!!

Tags: Sidewalk Counseling

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