New Polls Show Pro-Lifers are NOT minority

May 21, 2009

Mainstream media and the Obama Administration would like to make us think we’re the only ones with these views, but according to Pew, Gallup, Fox News and Rasmussen Reports, it turns out we’re the majority.

What Americas say from the latest Rasmussen Report 

Abortion is morally wrong most of the time. 
58% of Americans agree
25% of Americans disagree

Abortion is morally wrong most of the time.
64% of women agree
51% of men agree

It’s too easy to get an abortion in America.
52% agree
13% say it’s too hard
21% just right

The new Rasmussen poll also asked Americans about the recent decision by the Obama administration to allow 17-year-old girls to purchase the morning after pill without consulting with a doctor or getting parental permission.

66% say 17 year-olds should be required to consult a physician before taking the pill
27% say no

What this might mean:
“New Poll May Reveal 'Obama Effect' on Americans' Abortion Views Says Fr. Pavone”

Read more about…

The Rasmussen Report
“Fourth Poll This Month Shows U.S. Public Opinion Trending Pro-Life on Abortion”

Gallup Poll
“More Americans ‘Pro-Life’ Than ‘Pro-Choice’ for First Time”

Pew Research
“New Pew Poll Shows Support for Legal Abortion Drops to Lowest Level in 15 Years”


Tags: Rasmussen Report

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