Making fools of themselves for Christ

May 19, 2016

When I think about writing about being on the streets, I hesitate because much of it is incredibly sad. People want to hear uplifting stories, don’t they? 

Prayers on the Sidewalk

I don’t know of anyone who likes to go to the sidewalk. But I also don’t know of anyone who goes and doesn’t feel called.  It doesn’t matter if we like it or not – we have to go.

We don’t usually cry on the street because there’s always the next woman walking up who might listen to the words the Holy Spirit gives us. And we remind each other that we aren’t responsible for the woman’s choice, for good or bad.

The tears we shed out in front of the abortion facility are those of happiness and gratitude, when a mom decides to keep her baby. Then there are hugs and tears in abundance. Throughout our shift, we will stop and remind each other, “Turnaway!” 

I would say that much of the day-to-day uplifting part comes from being with people of deep conviction about the worth of every human life. They are willing to not just face days of over 100 degrees or below freezing, but make fools of themselves for Christ. To ask perfect strangers the most intimate of questions, to beg God and the Virgin Mary for help, for words, for strength and persistence, and sometimes, patience. 

And the joy! 

The joy given by God to those of us who know His love, and love Him back ... that's what keeps us there, overwhelmed with the desire to help those we talk to – for them to feel His love, to see it shining through us. We stand out there not to mess in their business, but to witness to them what they are missing out on: God’s love of them and their child.

That’s a lot for a 45 second exchange on the sidewalk!

By Susan Platt, CPLC Sidewalk Counselor

To learn more about the Catholic Pro-Life Committee's frontline ministry, visit

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