"I wish it were required for men"

August 30, 2011

"In my way of thinking, I wish it were required for men, whether they are husbands or boyfriends, to accompany the women to the Rachel's Vineyard retreat. It is so important for them to feel the pain that a woman feels so they can value a woman for who she really is. I admire the group of women on this retreat, especially for their great courage they had to face this challenge and to empty their souls of all the emotional damage caused by their past abortions. This retreat moved me in the most profound part of my being which is  the absence of my son. It fed me spiritually and helped me see new horizons. I was able to share with other people their suffering and fears. I know I can't go back and change the past. But I can walk forward and change my present. How? Saving souls that need help recovering from this pain."

-Male Rachel's Vineyard Retreatant (reprinted with permission of author)
Suffering from the pain of abortion?  We can help:  www.rachaldallas.org
214-544-CARE (2273) / (English - Dallas, TX)
972-679-4760 /  (Español - Dallas, TX) 
817-923-4757  English  (Ft. Worth, TX)


Tags: Rachel's Vineyard

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