His MERCY was felt

March 15, 2016

Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Team with Bishop Kelly
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Team with Bishop Greg Kelly and Deacon Paul Husting (retired)

Every Rachel's Vineyard Retreat is amazing — witnessing the years of pain fall away from a hardened heart and seeing life breathed back into a soul. 

This past retreat was no different. But, with the presence of clergy, particularly Bishop Kelly, I saw a deeper impact on many of the retreatants. The Bishop was “in persona Christi” during the scripture experiences. This allowed the retreatants to receive God’s mercy directly from Christ. 

I witnessed retreatants begin to release the pain they held so tightly much more easily. I witnessed a retreatant who felt condemned by the Church at the beginning of the retreat, move to seeing the mercy of the Church first hand. It is not unusual for retreatants to struggle to accept that the Church is merciful. 

This time, they saw that the Bishop was willing to set aside his duties for a whole weekend to be with just them. Our Shepherd was stepping out to bring the lost back to the flock!! 

Submitted by Rachel's Vineyard™ Retreat Team Member

If you are someone you know is suffering from a past abortion experience, there is hope and healing. We can help. Begin the journey to Christ's mercy today at www.racheldallas.org.


Tags: bishop

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