Exhausted by November

November 15, 2013

Just about everyone I know who’s in Pro-Life is exhausted by November. 
Respect Life Month (also known as “October”) is so packed with activity that one person can’t possibly participate in all of it.  Events overlap or coincide with each other to the point of saturation.  Life Chains, Hikes for Life, 40 Days for Life, talks, lectures, conventions -- the list just goes on and on.  And when you add in the other parish activities like feasts and festivals, there’s barely time to name them, much less take part in them all.
Now, it’s my job, or at least my avocation, to try to keep up with it.  I do this so that you can keep up with it more easily.  Overwhelming or not, it’s work that needs to be done.  It’s valuable, important work because death never rests.  You don’t have to go to every pro-life event or activity (and you couldn’t if you wanted to in October), but I hope you picked out one and did it well. 
Do it for the babies, who can’t do it for themselves or for each other. 
Do it for the mothers, who act out of fear and desperation, or out of selfishness and risk their souls.  
Do it for the poor fools like me who lost their sons and daughters because they wouldn’t speak up.
Do it for yourselves, because if you quietly let it happen, especially when you know in your heart of hearts that it’s wrong, you are one of those good people who, in doing nothing, allow evil to triumph.  How good could that be?  Under that circumstance, the best you could be is an accessory. 
Do it for the world.  Out of the many hundreds of millions killed before they could draw just one breath, even though each of them would have been flawed human beings like you and me, there must have been someone that would have made this world a better place, and that’s just playing the odds. 
Do it for the Lord, to serve His will.  We are His hands in this world.  He’s laid the foundation and drawn up the plans.  If we each pick up a brick, nobody has to carry them all. 
We all have a right to life.  We also have a right to a peaceful, natural death, not one through abortion, murder, negligence, terror or euthanasia.  Defend these rights, for yourself and others. 
Don’t wait for next October.  Make every month Respect Life Month. 

Do it now. 
Because death never rests. 

Tags: Parish Pro-Life Coordinators

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