Coffin, Hearse, Containers...
November 20, 2018
As I approached north Texas' largest abortion facility today, there was a hearse passing by followed by two limos full of grieving people, a priest and a long line of cars over a mile and a half long with police escorts. It made me wonder who God had called home. It's obvious that this person was really loved and will truly be missed, because all these people were going to pay their respects, say their good-byes and properly lay them to rest.

What a contrast from the scene that I saw last week, where several large red bio-hazard containers full of aborted babies were being loaded up into a white unmarked box truck to be disposed of like medical waste. There was no hearse or limos full of grieving people. No priest or long line of cars. No police escort. God had not called these babies home. It was obvious that these babies were unwanted and unloved, as nobody was going to pay them their respects, say good-bye and properly lay them to rest, not even their very own mother and father.
I saw all this with my own eyes, the coffin in the hearse and the containers. I witnessed it and I will never forget.
By: Sidewalk Counselor, Celina Boyle
Tags: sidewalk counseling, blog, reflection, celina, abortion, southwestern