Breaking down the Healthcare Bill the pro-life way
August 14, 2009
Feel overwhelmed by all the information swirling around H.R. 3200 (a.k.a, the big honkin’ freak of a healthcare bill we’ve all been talking about)? Here is some basic info to help you sort out the junk from the real thing.
The Gist: The CPLC, other pro-life groups and the majority of good sensed Americans are opposed to this bill for a number of reasons. Our Main Focus at the CPLC is that it has been confirmed by certain lawmakers and the Associated Press that abortion funding IS indeed included in the bill.
Why so much confusion?
There are a lot of mixed messages out there coming from the media, local politicians and President Obama himself.
How do we know for sure that abortion is included in the bill?
The Family Research Council put together this handy dandy little run down of the H.R. 3200/abortion truth. It’s called 6 Proofs It’s in There… There are specific statements with the name of the person who said them on what date and in what context.
One thing I learned from this document that really surprised me is that seven individual senators and representatives tried to include amendments that would prohibit abortion coverage in the bill during the month of July, and all seven times, each person was shot down by the bill’s sponsors. This tells me that the people who are pushing this bill do not really care about making progress at passing legitimate healthcare reform as much as they do about pushing a pro-abortion/pro-death piece of legislation off on the American people.
Read 6 Proofs It’s in There…for yourself and decide what you think. If you find value in it, forward it to your friends and family or print it off and show them the piece of this debate that they might be missing.
What’s going on right now?
Congress is on a short break during the month of August and will return to Washington, D.C. after Labor Day. NOW is the time to contact them via email, phone calls, faxes, face to face, whatever, just let them know how you feel. Regardless if they’ve forgotten or not during their time in Washington, they DO still answer to their constituents (you and me), so don’t feel pressured to be silent about something that is important to you.
Questions are the answers
The FRC also published 20 Questions to Ask Your Legislator About Health Care Overhaul, a two-page document that can help you draw some sensible answers out of a very complex situation. Questions 6, 9 and 16 are specifically about abortion in the bill.
Question 9 is particularly interesting:
"Do you know that the bill before Congress gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services uber-authority over everyone’s health insurance and every single plan detail, and that the bill grants her such authority and other authority over all aspects of health care more than 200 times in the bill?"
That’s a scary piece of truth there, considering that the Sec. of Health and Human Services is pro-abortion/pro-death former Kansas governor, Kathleen Sebelius. Sebelius, who is publicly and financially linked with Planned Parenthood and former late-term abortionist George Tiller, would have control of “every single plan detail.”
What ever happened to being pro-choice (ie. options)? I guess certain members of the debate think they’re looking out for our best interest by giving us the choice to pay for other people’s abortions that we’re principally opposed to or pay for other people’s abortions that we’re principally opposed to. Wow, that’s real big of them.
Helpful links
If you know your zip code, you can find out who your U.S. representatives and senators are and the physical address of their local offices near you. Use the phone number to call and make an appointment.
You DO have a choice, and you CAN make a difference.
Tags: Healthcare