A Sparsely Attended Funeral

August 22, 2010

A sidewalk counselor (speaks only English) stopped an expectant mother (speaks only Spanish) coming from the parking lot across the street at Robinson's.*  A guardian angel (or two) held them both as Seraphim was called over (not The Seraphim who are the angelic ministering servants of God, but the sidewalk counselor, Seraphim, who prays daily for about an hour at various abortion centers before he goes to work).  Seraphim (speaks Spanish and English) made his way across the street.  He greeted the mother with a warm smile and respect.  It took an exchange of about 3 or 4 sentences and off they went, as he escorted her to the nearby women's pregnancy center for help.
We were all so joyful.  And then the truck came...the truck that fetches "the boxes" from the abortion center...the truck that has "medical waste" written on it.
The driver exited the truck to retrieve "the boxes" from the side door – the same door from which the women are wheeled-out after their abortions.   The boxes were loaded into the truck.  It took awhile.  Some were heavier than others.
It was a sparsely attended funeral...for so many of God's little ones.  Their mothers weren't there.  Multiple little bodies in large brown corrugated boxes stacked up neatly in the back of that truck.  We watched, wondering how many babies were in each of those boxes.  A car passed by, and I saw the woman driver mouth, "Oh my God."  There were 37 big boxes.  Thirty seven.  The truck driver closed the back of his white hearse.  We knelt, shed some tears, and feebly attempted a hymn. 
Holy Almighty God, hear our feeble prayers.   May the Holy Innocents pray ... and The Seraphim sing: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts; heaven and earth are full of Thy Glory...."  
The counselors prepared (a little after noon) to leave the 105+  degree sidewalks.  But a counselor was waiting.  Waiting for what?  There, slowly moving down the sidewalk ... hesitantly...towards the shaded area, was a tiny young lady.   She stopped by the tree.  She was trembling.  She weakly asked (broken English), "Is this...abortion clinic?"  [Yes, don't go there.]  She began to cry and put her forehead against the trunk of the tree.  On her neck hung a gold rosary.  Her gold bracelet had some saint(s) on it.  She laid her head on the tree...and cried.  One of our Spanish speaking counselors was telephoned and talked to her.  "No...she was not going to have the abortion.  Something stopped her.  She will not have the abortion."
The angels and Holy Innocents pray ... and The Seraphim sing:  "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts; heaven and earth are full of Thy Glory... "
** This is the same facility where the worker quit a few weeks ago while the 100+ Pro-Life Boot Campers prayed.  There are now applicants for that job.  One of those applicants talked to us too.  Pray for her.**

Tags: Sidewalk Counseling

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