A Call from the Cardinals in Rome to Dallas, March 2013

March 14, 2013

A man came out from the abortion center.  His eyes were pleading for help, as he asked those of us on the sidewalk to please PRAY. His girlfriend was inside for the first appointment before the 24 hour “wait” time, and was not listening to him.  

He hated being in the waiting room and spent most of her appointment time in his truck. He said, “It’s the men in there . . .  they’re smiling.   How can anyone smile about this?!  Don’t they realize what is getting ready to happen to the baby?!!”  

He sent up a shout, “YEAH!!!” when I told him that I sent a text message to the “Reconnaissance Team” (those who want to be notified for urgent prayer requests from the sidewalks). Shortly thereafter, one of those “Secret Service Prayer Warriors” texted back that the Cardinals gathering in Rome were requesting the world join them in praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.  

Those of us on the sidewalk stopped where we were in our prayers and joined the Cardinals.  

WOW!  How amazing it was to pray the rosary with the Cardinals and with others all over the world!

Within the next 45 minutes, the woman came out. We walked with her to her boyfriend’s truck. She seemed very happy about being 8 weeks pregnant. Then 2 more women came to us wanting help from the nearby pregnancy resource center. And there was a 4th couple who happily took information for free help from us.

One of the women who sought help at the pregnancy resource center had parked her car just inside the fence of the abortion facility. The security guard who normally hurries the women into the facility somehow missed her. For “some” reason he didn’t notice her! And now she will receive real help for her and her precious little one.
Thank you, Blessed Mother of God! Thank you, Your Eminences for your leadership!  

Praise God in His Angels and in His Saints!

Tags: Sidewalk Counseling, Stories from the Street

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