Chaperone Application

Four to twelve chaperones (two males and two females) are needed for the Youth For Life March for Life pilgrimage to Washington, D.C.

Chaperones must be 21 years of age or older. General responsibilities will include supervision of the youth, enforcement of the trip rules and implementation of Safe Environment policies during the trip. The acceptance of chaperones is based on the needs of the group.

Proof of Safe Environment clearance is required with your application. You must be cleared through the dates of the event, January 20, 2019. If your clearance shows that you will require an update prior to January 20, 2019, the update must be performed prior to November 30th (before we purchase airline tickets).

You will be notified by November 20th regarding your acceptance as a chaperone. Upon acceptance, a deposit of $290 will be required. Once airline tickets are purchased approximately the first week of December, the deposit is non-refundable unless another chaperone, most likely of the same sex, who meets Safe Environment requirements can be found.

All chaperones are required to attend a mandatory training on January 5, 2019. This training will be held prior to the mandatory youth, parent and chaperone meeting also on January 5. 

First Name*
Last Name*
Phone (other)
Date of Birth*
Sweatshirt Size*
Diocese of Safe Environment Clearance*
Proof of Safe Environment Clearance
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
If you are coming as part of a group, please give the name of the group.**

**Note** Providing a resume and references is only necessary if this is your first time to volunteer for Youth For Life.

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