Bishop Burns Recommendation

Office of the Bishop

We are all called to share the Gospel of Life with our families, churches and community. To aid in that calling, I enthusiastically recommend the presentations offered by the Catholic Pro-Life Community (CPLC), serving as the Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas.

The Catholic Pro-Life Community provides educational programs for youth and adults in both English and Spanish. Each of these programs is based on the foundational teaching of the Church that all human life is sacred from conception until natural death, and aims to instill a respect for the dignity of each person regardless of age, condition or circumstance.

The presentations offered by the Catholic Pro-Life Community help empower our school and church communities with the information necessary to address the increasing challenges of a secularized society that is, at best, indifferent and often hostile to our Catholic values. The presentations also provide critical tools to foster communication in our families and encourage healthy, chaste lifestyles for our youth and young adults.

I pray you will take full advantage of this crucial resource in our diocese, and contact the CPLC today to learn more about how their programs and presentations can meet the needs of your school, parish or organization. 

Faithfully in Christ,

Most Reverend Edward J. Burns
Bishop of Dallas
Letter in PDF 

972-267-LIFE (5433)