Bishop's Dinner Volunteer Opportunities

High School students and Adult volunteers are needed in various ways, both before, during, and after the event. Assistance on the day of the Bishop's Dinner does not include a program ticket but does provide a meal.

Adult VOLUNTEERS (18+)

To apply as an adult volunteer (18 or older), please sign up by clicking the link below and indicate your availability and preferences.

Adult Signup



Volunteering at the dinner will allow you to earn service hours, meet local pro-life teens, and gain a greater respect for the dignity of life! All high school students interested in volunteering must apply and be accompanied by a diocesan Safe Environment-cleared chaperone.

High School Student Signup



Pre-event volunteers are able to choose as many volunteer categories as they feel comfortable taking on.  

  • PROMOTIONS - Visit various parish group meetings to provide information about the dinner, encourage attendance, provide flyers, and sell Dinner and raffle tickets. Talking points and materials will be provided.
  • TRANSPORTATION & SET-UP - help prep and transport materials from our offices to the venue and/or assist in the ballroom set up. (Involves carrying items; a vehicle, preferably a truck/SUV, to transport items is welcome.)


Volunteers interested in assisting with day-of-event tasks will need to choose one category to assist in.

  • HOSPITALITY - Assist with check-in, greeting guests, and providing directions.
  • RAFFLE TICKET SALES - Assist with Raffle Ticket sales in the lobby prior to and during the program.
  • LOBBY ACTIVITIES  –  Assist with donations and sales at lobby activity tables, including Wine & Jewelry Pulls, and Heads & Tails.
  • PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS - Assist as a table ambassador or live auction spotter during the program (approximately 30-minute commitment before the keynote address).
  • TEAR DOWN & TRANSPORTATION - Help tear down and pack items after the event and/or transport materials back to the CPLC office. (Involves carrying items; availability of a truck / SUV to transport items is welcome.)
  • MISCELLANEOUS TASKS - You name it, and we could probably use your help!



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