March for Life Pilgrimage to Washington DC
Fundraising Ideas
Payment plans are an option for paying your trip fee and airline ticket provided the balance is paid off by June 30, 2023. You must contact Maddie and sign a payment plan contract by November 18th to take advantage of this opportunity.
The following are some additional ideas to get you going on your fundraising for the trip:
- Send a letter about the trip to friends and family asking them to sponsor you as you March for Life! It is a great opportunity to let your family and friends know of your passion for life and to also let them know about the March.
- Check with the following church organizations about possible sponsorship: Knights of Columbus, Youth Ministry, Men's Club, Women's Club, Parish Council, Pro-Life Club, Legion of Mary, etc. Be prepared to return from the trip and share pictures and experiences with the organizations that help sponsor you. This is another great opportunity to spread the message of life within your parish.
- Ask your community for help by calling local organizations such as the Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce and even your school.
Whatever you choose, don't delay! Get busy and involve as many people in your trip as possible. Be sure to plan on letting them know about the trip when you return! Good Luck and God Bless!