23rd Annual Walk to Remember
Location(s): Calvary Baptist Church, 913 N. Nursery Rd., Irving 75061
Check-in is at noon and ceremony begins at 1 p.m., at Calvary Baptist Church.
In 1988, former President Ronald Reagan declared the month of October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. M.E.N.D. (Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death), a non-profit organization supporting and providing hope for families that have suffered a miscarriage, still birth or early infant loss, hosts a Walk to Remember each October.
The Walk commemorates those precious lives that have been lost and allows families who suffered this loss to experience fellowship, support, and public acknowledgment of the life of their babies in a safe environment.
Unlike the name may imply, the Walk is not a fundraiser, nor a "walk-a-thon." Instead, it is a beautiful ceremony to remember our babies who have died. Family and friends are welcome to join in the walk.
For additional information and reservations, please call 972-506-9000, email , or visit the national website mend.org. Sponsored by M.E.N.D.