54-day Novena for Our Nation: August 15 to October 7

Monday, August 23, 2021

Our battle is spiritual. We continue to live in peace-less times with laws and court rulings in conflict with God’s laws, especially the disregard for the rights of the unborn, elderly and weak in our society, and the attacks on marriage and family values.  Society and many levels of government continue to demonstrate intolerance towards biblically based religious belief and practice.  In conflict with First Amendment constitutional rights, persecution of traditional religious expression has reached historically high levels.  

The 54-day Novena for our Nation leads into the Coast-to Coast Rosary and National Rosary Rally on Sunday, October 10.  (See separate listing for October 10).

For more information about the 54-day Novena for Our Nation, the National Rosary Rally or other rally locations visit novenaforournation.com, or rosarycoasttocoast.com.

Sponsored by Rosary Coast to Coast & 54-Day Novena for Our Nation.