Pro-Life Women’s Conference / Conferencia de la Mujer Pro-Vida:

Friday, June 24, 2016 - Sunday, June 26, 2016
Location(s): Hyatt Regency Dallas, 300 Reunion Blvd., Dallas 75207

Pro-Life Women's Conferenceespañol

At this event BY WOMEN and FOR WOMEN, we are coming together to proclaim that women's empowerment cannot be attained by the oppression of other human beings.  We are reclaiming the narrative of women's empowerment; we are reclaiming our voice as the grassroots of the pro-life movement.  Join us for three days of powerful presentations, fellowship, friendship, and fun that promises to be unrivaled and unforgettable.  From dynamic speakers to informative breakout sessions (in English and Spanish) and panels, you will find yourself empowered to make a difference in your communities.  Featured speakers include Abby Johnson of And Then There Were None, Serrin M. Foster of Feminists for Life, Rebecca Kiessling of Save the 1, and Star Parker of Center for Urban Renewal and Education plus many more!   

Registration, sponsorship information and conference details available at

Hosted by And Then They Were None and the Alice Paul Group 

Sponsors include: Catholic Pro-Life Committee | Vitae Foundation  | Sidwewalk Advocates for Life Students for Life of America | The Radiance Foundation | Save the One | Feminists for Life | New Wave Feminists | Central Texas Coalition for Life | Initiative 180/Peace After The Storm | Talk About Adoption | The Guiding Star Project

click here for flyer

Spanish translation headsets available for joint sessions.  

Únase a nosotros durante tres días de presentaciones impactantes, compañerismo, amistad y diversión que promete ser inigualable e inolvidable. De oradores dinámicos, paneles y sesiones informativas (en inglés y español), se encontrará equipado para hacer una diferencia en sus comunidades. Auriculares de traducción en español estarán disponibles para el conjunto de sesiones.  Registración, información de patrocinio y detalles de la conferencia están disponibles en

Presentada por And Then There Were None and the Alice Paul Group

Patrocinadores incluyen: Comité Católico Pro-Vida | Vitae Foundation  | Sidewalk Advocates for Life | Students for Life of America | The Radiance Foundation | Save the One | Feminists for Life | New Wave Feminists | Central Texas Coalition for Life | Initiative 180/Peace After The Storm | Talk About Adoption | The Guiding Star Project