Pure by Choice Rally

Saturday, March 21, 2015 3:30 PM - 9:45 PM
Location(s): Nolan Catholic High School Arena, 4501 Bridge St., Fort Worth 76103

Pure by Choice is a chastity rally for 8th-12th grade students.  Keynote speakers are Matt Fradd and Kara Klein. Matt Fradd is a Catholic apologist, speaker, and gifted evangelist. He experienced a profound conversion at World Youth Day in Rome in 2000. As a missionary in Canada and Ireland, Matt proclaimed the Gospel to over ten thousand teens and young adults. Matt has also served the Church through full-time lay ministry in Australia, Ireland, Canada and Texas.  Kara Klein is a Christian singer/songwriter, worship leader, and inspirational speaker. Through her gift of song and storytelling Kara calls people of all ages to embrace, fall in love with, and rediscover the joy of life in Christ, and to believe that life is a glorious gift from God that is truly worth living.

For more information on this event, contact CPLC Youth For Life Director Jacquelyn Smith at 972-416-9591 or or Sue Laux, Youth For Life Coordinator for the Diocese of Fort Worth, at 817-939-8595 or .    Group registration coming soon.

Presented by Youth For Life of the Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas and the Diocese of Fort Worth. 

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