First Name*
Last Name*
Parish Name
Cell Phone*
Other Phone
Please select from the following categories any areas you are interested in volunteering:
Prayer Support
Commit to a weekly Mass, Rosary or Holy Hour for Gabriel Angels and mothers Request Project Gabriel intentions to be included in parish Sunday or weekday liturgies
Educational Support
Distribute Project Gabriel / GEMS brochures to guidance counselors and youth ministers Speak at school or parish gatherings about help available for pregnant teens Ask your pastor to display a pro-life literature rack or table in your parish Provide spiritual materials for GEMS candidates: Bibles, rosaries, holy cards, inspirational books, etc.
Personal Support
Cook, babysit or do household chores for a new or expectant mother (must be Safe Environment cleared) Treat an expectant mother to breakfast or lunch (must be Safe Environment and Driver cleared) Tutor a mother in English or teach parenting skills (must be Safe Environment cleared) Drive a mother to doctor’s visits, shopping or church (must be Safe Environment and Driver cleared) Host a get-together for the Gabriel Angels in your training group or parish
Material Support
Shop yard sales for gently used baby or maternity items Sew maternity or layette items or crochet receiving blankets, booties or quilts Organize a parish baby shower for a new or expectant mother Visit merchants for donations of maternity and baby items
Financial Support
Organize a parish fund-raiser: bingo, 10K run, pancake breakfast, bake sale, Baby Banks, etc. Ask your parish outreach committee to make an annual donation to Project Gabriel Underwrite (or solicit benefactors for) the cost of one Gabriel training (approx. $250.00)
GEMS Support
Transport mothers to GEMS classes (must be Safe Environment and Driver cleared) Prepare and bring lunch for a GEMS class Underwrite the cost of a monthly bus pass for a GEMS candidate (approx. $100.00) Contribute to the GEMS job training or college scholarship fund Offer to GEMS candidates your personal adoption testimony: adoptive parent, birth mother, adoptee