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The Catholic Pro-Life Community (CPLC) is the Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of  Dallas. The CPLC is devoted to restoring respect and protection for all human life from conception through natural death. We execute this mission through three pillars of pro-life ministry: supportive services, bilingual education for youth and adults, and community outreach. The CPLC has helped more than 10,000 pregnant women choose life outside Dallas abortion facilities; mentored over 980 pregnant mothers with emotional, spiritual and practical support; brought God’s healing to hundreds of parents suffering from a past abortion; and educated and engaged tens of thousands in the Gospel of Life. Visit us at

Mater Filius of Dallas is a non-profit, Catholic organization that operates a home in Plano for pregnant women in crisis. To create a real family environment, Mater Filius hosts six women at a time at any stage of their pregnancy. They must be 18 years of age or older and can stay for up to eight months after delivering their babies. Regardless of their marital status, ethnicity, or religion, they receive free room and board, opportunities to grow in life skills, enriching experiences, and spiritual guidance. The house mainly operates with the help of dedicated volunteers who commit to this mission and offer loving support to mothers and babies. For more information to help Mater Filius of Dallas and the moms, visit

The Bella House is a safe place to journey through pregnancy. Guided by faith-based principles, women who are pregnant and seeking a place to live, experience respect, care, and resources to welcome new life and become self-sufficient mothers. The Bella House accepts women, aged 18 and older, at one of our two locations. While in residence, a case manager works with each mother to design and follow through with a unique plan leading to independence and brighter futures for mother and child. Find us at