
Comments from Teachers

Topic: Abortion

  • “I hope it will fill them with a desire to protect life and a realization of the cruelty of abortion.” — Teacher, St. Monica
  • “[The talk] opened their eyes and will challenge them to actively fight abortion in their adult lives. (The speaker’s) honesty and openness to the students was profound.” — Teacher, Prince of Peace

Topic: Life Issues

  • “Your examples were very good, hitting the nail on the head. Super job. They seemed to relate to you. Keep it up!” — Teacher, St. Philip
  • “They have a more well-rounded and factual approach to what the topics actually are (and) how they affect the world and individuals. The handouts were helpful. Thank you for a wonderful presentation.” — Teacher, Mary Immaculate

Topic: Chastity

  • “The visuals are good. The sincerity with which it was presented was well done. It’s great to hear it from someone other than the teacher/parent. I think this program will help them choose chastity.” — Teacher, Immaculate Conception
  • “Role playing (was beneficial). A lot of interaction with group—small group worked well.”     — Teacher, St. John/Ennis

Comments from Students:

Topic: Abortion

  • “I learned that there are many ways to perform an abortion. I also learned that it is painful for the baby and has side effects for the mother.”
  • “I have always felt that abortion is wrong, but now I know it is extremely wrong.”

Topic: Life Issues

  • “Yes (my feelings have changed) in appreciating life more.”
  • “My feelings (are) deeper about what we talked about. Like abortion. I really feel against it now.”

Topic: Chastity

  • “Say no to the liars and say no to everyone until you are married.”
  • “…that I can stay committed to God and I can wait as God wants…because it is mostly about love for God and the person you love.”
  • “I have had a deeper understanding of what can happen to me, and I understand the consequences for my actions. …[W]hen I meet the man of my dreams I can offer my whole self.”
  • “…[W]ait until you’re married. Because if you don’t, you might regret it.”


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